| 1. | Our children 's education is at stake . 我们孩子的教育好坏无法预料。 |
| 2. | The life of the whole empire was at stake . 整个帝国的生存现在正处于危险中。 |
| 3. | I screen him, when my own character is at stake . 我不惜身败名裂,替他遮丑。 |
| 4. | Now my fate is at stake . 现在是我命运的关键时刻。 |
| 5. | My honor is at stake . 我的声名在危险中。 |
| 6. | The chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake . 中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头。 |
| 7. | Our homeland, the lives of our wives and children are at stake . 我们的国土家园,我们的妻室儿女的生命,都在危急中。 |
| 8. | Take care how you answer; for your life and salvation are at stake on it . 回答的时候你要慎重,因为这关系到你的生死存亡。 |
| 9. | Cooper, himself a landlord of sorts, was convinced that a basic principle of property was at stake . 作为地主,库珀认为这种举动危及财产所有权的根本原则。 |
| 10. | He needed no advice when our fundamental national interests or our overall global strategy was at stake . 在涉及我国基本利益或整个全球战略的情况下,他无需忠告。 |